Tuesday, February 19, 2008

As slippery as...

It was slippery at the farm last Sunday morning. The farm was an ice rink -- a slick sheet of rain over the ice added to the hazardous conditions. So, of course, I chose that ideal day to introduce my 8 y.o. daughter Tegan to volunteering. Faith (my 14 y.o.) and I are used to this sort of thing, so I hoped the weather conditions wouldn't curb Tegan's enthusiasm... It didn't. She loved seeing the newborn lambs -- helped me spread straw in the pens -- after I bobsledded (a real word?) down the barn ramp holding onto the wheelbarrow piled with two bales of straw. We also shelled three big tubs of corn with Dave's help -- after getting all the chores down, of course. We took a break somewhere in there and enjoyed the donuts Mark brought (he was late). At quitting time we changed out of our soaked-through clothes and walked back up the slippery lane to join the 21st century once again. I mailed Tegan's official volunteer paperwork today. Welcome to Kline Creek Farm, Tegan!

1 comment:

tucsonsam said...

Congratulations to Tegan for becoming a member of the Kline Creek volunteers! Way to go Tegan!